
Specify an applied external electric field. In pump-probe simulations, this field refers to the first (pump) field.

  • Input block
  • Extended variant

    model: [formatted-string]
    amplitude: [real]
    inittime: [real]
    width: [real]
    frequency: [real]
    direction: [x] [y] [z]

  • Default
  • none

  • Example
  • field: 
           model:      delta
           amplitude:  0.02 
           inittime:   12.9
           width:      25.8
           frequency:  0.37
           direction:  0.0  1.0  0.0


Specify an applied external electric field. In pump-probe simulations, this field refers to the second (probe) field.

  • Input block
  • Extended variant

    model: [formatted-string]
    amplitude: [real]
    inittime: [real]
    width: [real]
    frequency: [real]
    direction: [x] [y] [z]

  • Default
  • none

  • Example
  • field: 
           model:      delta
           amplitude:  0.02 
           inittime:   12.9
           width:      25.8
           frequency:  0.37
           direction:  0.0  1.0  0.0


Enable the selective perturbation (SP) approach introduced in Kadek et al. PCCP 17, 22566 (2015). SP enables to represent the perturbation and response operators only in selected molecular orbitals, allowing thus to address a specific spectral region in RT-TDSCF simulations, as well as to eliminate nonphysical excitations that are artifacts of the finite basis representation. This keyword is very important for core-level spectroscopies.

  • Input block
  • Extended variant

    occupied: [intial-mo-index] - [final-mo-index]
    virtual:  [intial-mo-index] - [final-mo-index]

  • Default
  • none

  • Example
  • mowindow:
             occupied:   4-6

             occupied:   7-10
             virtual:   15-46


Enable the transition density matrix analysis (TDMA) introduced in Repisky et al. JCTC 11, 980 (2015). TDMA enables to perform the orbital analysis of spectral transitions in RT-TDSCF simulations.

  • Input block
  • Extended variant

    occupied: [intial-mo-index] - [final-mo-index]
    virtual:  [intial-mo-index] - [final-mo-index]
    threshold: [real]

  • Default
  • none

  • Example
  • transition-analysis:
             occupied:   8-10
             virtual:   11-25
             threshold: 1.0e-5 


Specify the spectroscopy of interest.

  • Input line
  • spectroscopy: [string]
  • Default
  • none

  • Example
  • spectroscopy: eas

    spectroscopy: ecd

    spectroscopy: eas+ecd


Define the time propagation details.

  • Input line
  • time-steps: [number-time-steps] x [time-step-length]
  • Default
  • none

  • Example
  • time-steps: 5000 x 0.05


Specify the type of propagator used to solve the Liouville−von Neumann equation.

  • Input line
  • solver: [string]
  • Default
  • solver: magnus

  • Example
  • solver: magnus


Define the maximum number of micro-iterations (per time step) for the Magnus solver.

  • Input line
  • maxiterations: [integer]
  • Default
  • maxiterations: 8

  • Example
  • maxiterations: 5


Define the convergence threshold for the Magnus solver.

  • Input line
  • convergence: [real]
  • Default
  • convergence: 1.0e-07

  • Example
  • convergence: 1.0e-5


Define the frequency of data checkpointing during the time propagation.

  • Input line
  • checkpoint: [integer]
  • Default
  • checkpoint: 100

  • Example
  • checkpoint: 500

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Hylleraas Centre
Department of Chemistry
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Tromsø, NO-9037 Norway