
Specify the path in k space on which band structures should be calculated.

  • Input block
  • Short variant

    kpoints: [lattice-system] [steps]

    Extended variant

    steps: [int]
    point: [string] [real] [real] [real]
    path: [string]

  • Default
  • none

  • Example
  • kpoints:  2d-hexagonal  40

       steps:  50
       point:  G  0.0  0.0  0.0
       point:  X  0.5  0.0  0.0
       point:  Y  0.0  0.5  0.0
       point:  Y' 0.0 -0.5  0.0
       point:  M  0.5  0.5  0.0
       path:   Y'-G-Y-M-X-G-M|X-Y


Specify parameters for the calculation of the density of states (DOS).

  • Input block
  • Extended variant

    units: [string]
    range: [real] [real]
    std-dev: [real]
    points: [int]

  • Default
  • dos:
       units:   au
       range:   -0.75   0.50
       std-dev: 0.01
       points:  10000

  • Example
  • dos:
       units:     eV
       range:    -15.0  50.0
       std-dev:    0.3
       points:    20000


Define the momentum-space grid by specifying the number of k points in each dimension.

  • Input line
  • kmesh: [int]x[int]x[int]
  • Default
  • none

  • Example
  • kmesh:  11x11x7


Print the full vector of band energies for all k points on a defined kmesh for an interval of bands defined by "print-bands".

  • Input line
  • full-print: [string]
  • Default
  • full-print: off

  • Example
  • full-print: on


[interval] is a single integer defining half the number of bands distributed symmetrically around the Fermi level to be printed, or 2 integers separated by "-" defining the first and last bands to be printed.

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Hylleraas Centre
Department of Chemistry
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Tromsø, NO-9037 Norway